Keith Carlos and Tyent Water

Posted by: On September 21, 2017 12:00 pm

Now we probably don’t need to introduce a household name such as NFL player-turned model Keith Carlos, but we like to do things properly here at Tyent.

keith carlos
Keith Carlos and Tyent Water – What a Dream Team!
At the Top of Two Worlds

Relatively speaking, only a handful of people have the talent, determination and focus to get to the very top of any sporting field.  When that field is the NFL, the elite group gets even smaller.

Then there’s the world of international modelling – rarefied, dazzling and tough.  Few conquer its dizzying heights, and staying at the apex of such a demanding industry is no mean feat.

Taking the World by Storm

To take both of these …

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Eraldo Maglara and Tyent Water!

Posted by: On September 18, 2017 11:05 pm

You know, Eraldo Maglara, Executive Producer and host of “Healthy Lifestyle With Eraldo” is quite a guy.  Media personality, author and celebrity and personal trainer, there’s no denying that Eraldo’s resume is pretty impressive!  

Eraldo Maglara
Author, fitness guru and television host Eraldo Maglara.
High-Energy Expert!

Eraldo’s combination of high-energy delivery, authentic expertise and that all-important likeability factor means that millions of people regularly tune in to his show for inspiration and entertainment!  

A bone-fide authority on his subject, Eraldo holds a Personal Fitness Degree from the National Personal Training Institute and has written and presented extensively on healthful living and fitness.  In short, no-one is better placed to recognize a genuine opportunity to improve your health and well being!  

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Allison Tibbs – Personal Fitness Trainer

Posted by: On September 12, 2017 7:00 am

San Francisco-based Allison Tibbs is a Personal Trainer, Healthy Lifestyle Coach and all-round inspiration when it comes to treating your body right!  If you haven’t discovered her awesome pages yet, then you’re in for a treat!   

Allison Tibbs and Tyent Water – now that’s a dreamteam!
What Are YOU Capable Of?

Allison is all about energy and encouragement! Letting you in on her workouts, some exceptionally photogenic food and motivational quotes, Allison manages to reach out to even the couchiest of couch potatoes and show them what their brilliant bodies are capable of!

Inspiring Everyone!

Some healthy living blogs can be little more than a showcase for the author’s own achievements.  Allison’s Instagram Feed sure celebrates her successes but …

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Water Ionizers and That Gym Membership…

Posted by: On August 31, 2017 12:00 pm

When the swishy new gym opened in town, the promotional flyers arrived thick and fast.  I ignored the first dozen or so, thinking that no amount of hi-tech training machines and hot yoga rooms could persuade me to part with the large fee required to gain access to that temple of toning and sweat.  

Those trainers would look perfect in my closet next to my gym bag.
New Gym Bag, No Clue? 

Then the drip-feeding of hard-body propaganda started to take effect.  Suddenly, I needed to be a member of that gym.  And I needed some ace gear to go with my shiny new membership.  Everyone knows that you exercise better in new gym clothes.  And trainers.  Trainers don’t come …

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Keep Your Cool With a Water Ionizer!

Posted by: On August 17, 2017 12:00 pm

We all need to drink around 2 liters of water every day to stay properly hydrated.  That still applies to anyone with a sedentary lifestyle or sitting at a desk job.  But sometimes, our bodies need more.

Whatever you do during the day, make sure you drink Tyent Water.
A Thirst for Fitness! 

If you play sports, take an exercise class, go hiking or enjoy any of the fantastic fitness opportunities available to most of us — you need to increase the amount of water you drink.

To be fair, that’s common knowledge.  After all, our bodies tell us that we’re thirsty, so we sip some water.  But why?  What happens inside our body that means we should drink more?  …

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Yannick Bisson’s Longevity Secret

Posted by: On July 4, 2017 7:00 am

After three decades in the public eye, most of you will recognize Yannick Bisson as an enormously popular A-list television and film actor, with an impressive body of work.  Star of the popular and successful Murdoch Mysteries, now heading into its eleventh season; Bisson is right at the top of his professional game.

A-lister and all-round good guy, Yannick Bisson.
That’s What Friends are For!

Cutting his acting teeth in the 1984 movie Hockey Night and Learning the Ropes on Canadian television, Yannick shot to big-league fame in the series High Tide, co-starring his friend and fellow Tyent Water fan, none other than Rick Springfield!

In fact, it was Rick who introduced Yannick to Tyent Water, when …

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Best Energy Drink Ever!

Posted by: On June 27, 2017 7:00 am

The dangers of so-called ‘energy drinks’ are becoming well known.   But what’s the alternative for anyone who needs an extra shot of energy now and then?

Feel like this, naturally.
Shocking New Evidence

Experts have been warning the public about commercially available sugar and caffeine cocktails for years.  Recently, a study by Dr. Emily Fletcher, deputy pharmacy flight commander at Travis Air Force Base in California, hit the headlines.

Health Warning

The research, published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, warns that consuming just one serving of commercial energy soda can be enough to harm your body.   Using electrocardiogram, researchers found that a single 32 oz can of energy soda was capable of causing profound changes in …

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5 Summer Weight Loss Tips – Get Fit Fast!

Posted by: On June 15, 2017 12:00 pm

Like many of us, are you hoping to shift those last few stubborn pounds before summer?  Yes? Would you like the bad news first?  Sure, let’s get it out of the way.  Well, there’s only a couple of weeks left.  The good news?  We’re here to help – and fast!

Has summer arrived too early again this year?
Get Fit, Fabulous and Hydrated!

Check out our five-point plan to feeling and looking fabulous by the time that summer officially begins!

  1. Eat Clean. That means eating fresh, whole foods and cutting out anything processed or laden with added fats, sugar and salt.  Many people find that by eating a wholefood diet, they shed weight without counting a single calorie!
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Is Kangen Water the Only True Ionized Alkaline Water?

Posted by: On June 8, 2017 12:00 pm

Well, is it?  Of course not!  That’s a little like asking if Chanel No. 5 is the only perfume. One of the first fragrances to gain international recognition and celebrity endorsement (Marilyn Monroe was a fan) — even the iconic No. 5 cannot claim to be the only true perfume out there.  By the same token, Kangen Water is not the only ionized alkaline water!

The original is not always the best.
A Brief History of Water Ionizers

Originating from Japan, Kangen ionizers were among the first domestic water ionizers to become widely available.  Back then, there was little to no competition in the field.  Now?  It’s a very different story.

Who’s the Best Right Now?

Tyent has won …

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5 Fun Summer Activities that Burn Calories by the Pound

Posted by: On June 1, 2017 12:00 pm

Need to shape up and lose a few pounds?  Want to replace the wobbly bits with toned muscles?

“I’m actually burning calories doing this?  No way!”
Fitness for Fun!

Either way, the best way to pick a healthy activity and stick to it is to make it fun!  It sounds obvious, right?  We’re grown-ups after all.  We get to choose what we do to keep fit.  So find something you love!  Need inspiration?  Then grab a glass of Tyent Water and check out our top 5 picks!

  • Hiking. Great for an all over workout that can be as gentle or as tough as you make it.  Act like a kid and jump on tree stumps and rocks as
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